Here are 10 Business/IT parks located in British Columbia:
City of Vancouver : Creating a downtown core that is diverse, economically vibrant, and sustainable - and is also a competitive business and cultural centre - requires large office developments that will support the City's economic development. The Metro Core plays an important role in the region's economy and contains 265,000 jobs, or two-thirds of all the jobs in the city.
Richmond : The following are resources resources for successfully launching your business in Richmond. City of Richmond BC - Starting Your Business
Burnaby Centre for Research and Innovation: Located in Burnaby, the Burnaby Centre for Research and Innovation is a technology park that is home to a number of research and development facilities, as well as startups and established companies.
Centre for Applied Research & Innovation (CARI) – BCIT
Pacific Centre for Advanced Technology and Innovation: The Pacific Centre for Advanced Technology and Innovation, or PCATI, is located in Surrey. It is a research and development facility that focuses on advanced manufacturing technologies.
Business Centre | Pacific Corporate Centre | Surrey
Business Parks in Burnaby: Burnaby is home to 16 high-amenity business centres in select industrial areas across the city. Each includes different combinations of offices, light and specialized manufacturing and research and development facilities
Business Centres | City of Burnaby
South Island Prosperity Project: The South Island Prosperity Project is a technology park located in Saanich. It is home to a number of tech startups and established companies.
Video Channel – South Island Prosperity Partnership
The Innovation Hub: Innovation UBC hubs in downtown Vancouver and Kelowna provide easy ways to access our network.
Innovation Hubs | Innovation UBC
DigiBC: DigiBC's mission is to promote, support and accelerate the growth of BC's Creative Technology industry to the benefit of current and future generations.
Victoria City : Victoria is a great choice for business, investors and developers.
I hope this list is helpful in providing an overview of some of the IT parks located in British Columbia.